We are constantly working on our computers and other chip based devices. The challenge of every user is the speed, efficiency and ease of use of the machine. With applications becoming distributed as per the platforms there is a constant interaction with the internet where applications access assets seamlessly to serve us great apps and experience.
A clutter free light and efficient operating system is the ideal one for using minimal resources on the devices.
Linux is very much like UNIX OS , has been serving the abovementioned purpose for decades. Various Distributions have grown across using the Kernel of Linux with there own shells proving the specific interphases. Ubuntu, Kali are a few examples.
The Linux kernel is the heart behind the Chrome OS from google for there chrome book. Even today Mainframes all across the world use the stable versions of the Linux operating system for mission critical applications
In the IOT world the embedded world runs on Linux. Seemingly every device we use with IOT at its center has some code running on Linux. This is no surprise that the majority of the cloud infrastructure is Linux based.
Being an open source software collaboration keeps it alive and kicking with radical changes on the shell but with rock solid kernel.
So Happy Birthday Linux for giving the mankind and devices such a wonderful stable OS. And how can we forget to thank Linus Torvalds for this wonderful gift. Lets raise a toast on the 30th year when he first introduced this OS to the world. Cheers